How to invoice AyaNova workorders into QuickBooks Online invoices

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How to invoice AyaNova workorders into QuickBooks Online invoices


Now that you have done the following...


set your QBOI Preferences,

have edited your Descriptive Text so that text from the AyaNova workorder shows on the QB Online invoice if desired

have linked existing data between AyaNova and QB Online

and/or imported your QB Online data (customers, vendors, items) into your AyaNova

and/or imported your AyaNova data (clients, vendors, rates, parts) into your QB Online


... now you are ready to invoice AyaNova workorders into QB Online invoices.


Reminder - QBOI displays what is present in your AyaNova and in your QB Online at the time QBOI was last refreshed (i.e. when first loaded, or when last refreshed). So if you are not seeing something you expect to, refresh!



To invoice AyaNova workorders into QB Online invoices:


1. Have QBOI running and authenticated - see Starting QBOI


2. If the QBOI Main window states no invoiceable work orders found in AyaNova, but you know you "do" have workorders that need to be invoiced, then you need to confirm as per the message and as per the section No service workorders ready for invoicing


3. If your QBOI Main window displays the client name with an image of a orange circle with a line through it notready and/or a workorder number with a orange circle with a line through it  such as example below:    


This tells you that perhaps one or more of the following needs to be addressed:

1.the AyaNova client of that workorder has not yet been linked/imported between your AyaNova and your QB Online

2.and/or parts in the AyaNova workorder are not yet linked/imported with a corresponding Item in your QB Online

3.and/or parts in the AyaNova wokorder have a different price than that of the linked QB Online Item

4.See the specific how to fix each above, but regardless you will start with selecting Invoices -> Fix Problems




4. If displays with the AyaNova customer name with a checkmark ready image  beside it and a + sign (indicating one or more workorders associated with that client ready for billing), then proceed:





5. If you want a single AyaNova workorder to be invoiced out in a single QuickBooks Online invoice


6. If you want multiple AyaNova workorders for the same client to be invoiced out to a single QuickBooks Online invoice


7. If you have a number of service workorders all for different clients ready for invoicing, you can have QBOI have QuickBooks Online invoice all workorders at one time into respective invoices


8. Refer to What happens when QBOI invoices?