What do I use Head Offices for?

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What do I use Head Offices for?



Head Offices are used to group clients together for viewing and reporting and common functionality purposes.  


For example, filter the Service Workorder grid by the Head Office to list all workorders for clients that have that same Head Office so you can produce a report for those specific workorders.


NOTE: Head Offices can not be selected  as the client for whom service is being performed for in service workorders, quotes, PM's.


A Head Office may be the actual head office for a number of your customers, or Head Offices may represent different departments of your organization, or it could represent something else.




Property management service - a "Head Office" equates to the entire building or owner of that building for billing purposes. And each "Client" equates to an apartment. And areas of the apartment (living room, kitchen, etc) and/or equipment in the condo such as dishwasher, bathtub, etc is identified as a "Unit".  This way when you create a service workorder for the apartment (i.e. Client) you can have the actual billable information sent to the owner of the apartment building (i.e. Head Office)


Internal computer service for a loans company - a "Head Office" equates to a specific department of the company such as Accounting, Front, etc. And each "Client" equates to a specific person of this company. And each equipment used by a person such as computer, monitor, printer etc is identified as a "Unit".  This way you can filter on the department (i.e. Head Office) to obtain reports for each department.



As you can change who the Head Office is for a client, this can be useful for maintaining service history even if the client or unit changes.




A office building uses AyaNova to manage internal computer service. The department Accounting is a "Head Office".  Bob who is an accountant is a "Client" (a "client") that has its head office as Accounting. Bob's printer is a "Unit" with Bob selected as the "Client" in its unit entry screen.

When service is performed for Bob's printer, the printer is selected as the unit in the workorder for Bob.

And if down the road, the printer is moved to Mary's office in the Loans department (Loans is another "Head Office" and Mary is another "Client"), in that unit's entry screen for that printer, the client is easily changed to Mary.  

This way, when look up previous service history on that printer (Unit), will still be able to see all workorders where that unit was selected, even when it was "owned" by Bob.


AyaNova can be localized to display field label text in any language - for example, you may want what is labeled as "Head Offices" to be labeled as "Department" or "Building" etc - whatever makes sense for your type of service


See also for more details:

Localized Text Designer