Manually generate a service workorder from a preventive maintenance

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Manually generate a service workorder from a preventive maintenance


In this tutorial example, we will go through a very basic work-flow of creating a Preventive Maintenance order, and then manually generating a service workorder from that PM.


Usually you would allow AyaNova to automatically generate the service workorder for you based on its settings for automatic generation, but perhaps you want the service workorder generated earlier so that it is showing scheduled on the Schedule screen for the schedulable user of that generated service workorder.



It is highly recommended that you review this Help file's entire section on Preventive Maintenance and Service Workorders for complete overview , suggestions on use, tips on use and more.




1.Create a new preventive maintenance order for the client ABC Accounting


Refer to the many different ways to create a PM


2.As per the PM entry screen details on its fields, enter in the following PM specific required fields


Active - this must be check-marked for this PM to be able to have a service workorder generated from it


Generate Time Span - this field is where you dictate how often the service date is repeated. For example, if you wished to have this preventive maintenance item repeated every month, you would enter in the number 1 and select months


Threshold Time Span - this is where you dictate how far in advance of the service date you wish the workorder to be generated. For example, if you wished to have this preventive maintenance create a new service workorder 7 days in advance of the Service Date, you would enter in the number 7 and select days.

Next Service Date - this is where you indicate the date against which the other fields refer to when to generate and how far in advance to generate. For example, put in a date three weeks from now.




NOTE: With the above field settings if left to automatically generate a service workorder, this PM will automatically generate a service workorder on Feb 21th - as that is 7 days (as per the Threshold Time Span) before the Next Service Date. And then this PM will automatically update its Next Service Date to a month later (as per the Generate Time Span) so that it is ready for the next time it is to be generated from.



3.You can create more than one workorder item, select a unit for each workorder item, schedule users for each workorder item, etc, and this data will be copied to the service workorder that is generated.  We will not cover that in this PM tutorial.


As the PM's workorder items, Scheduled Users subsection, Labor subsection etc all are the same as a Service Workorder, refer to the Service Workorder section on these:

Service workorder items


Scheduled users







Outside Service

Custom Fields



4.Save and exit MenuSaveExit out of the PM


5.From the PM grid you can now see this newly created PM - such as its Next Service Date, etc. Press the Refresh Refresh1 menu option on the PM grid if not there.




6.To manually generate a service workorder from a PM, do the following:


From the Preventive Maintenance grid, use the row selector to select the PM you wish to convert to a service workorder



Select the menu option Manually Generate Service Workorder



7.The Service Workorder generated will now open, so that you can edit anything if needed. Note the workorder # at the top.



8.Save & Exit MenuSaveExit out of the Service Workorder.


9.If you view the Service Workorder grid, you will see that the P.M. Parent field for this service workorder is the PM number that you just made.



10. View the Preventive Maintenance grid. You will note that the Next Service Date has automatically advanced for this PM based on the Generate Time Span settings - i.e. it will now be a month later than what was initially set in the Next Service Date as a service workorder was generated so the PM moves to the next instance.




NOTE: If an exception occurs when the PM source workorder is attempted to be saved after the service wo is generated, then AyaNova will automatically delete the service wo just created, generate an error message and will send to the administrator account via memo. This prevents infinite workorders being generated as well as advises the AyaNova Administrator account of an issue.